

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin – 5 Great Reasons to Get Kybella

You don’t need plastic surgery to deal with a double chin, which is why Keys Med Spa has a less-invasive option for contouring this common trouble spot. Kybella is an injectable treatment for submental fullness, aka extra fat under the chin.

Why should you consider Kybella? Here are five popular benefits of this treatment:

1.     Double Chin No More

Diet and exercise only shrink fat cells. Kybella removes them entirely. Traditional weight loss creates results across the whole body, but the unique composition of Kybella allows us to focus fat loss on one specific problem area—the double chin. No more hitting your ideal weight only to find you still have trouble spots. With Kybella, we can focus fat loss under the chin.

Synthetic deoxycholic acid, the active ingredient in Kybella, is a substance that aids in the breakdown of fat. When injected under the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, allowing the body to naturally process and remove them.

Best of all, the results last. Patients can enjoy a lifelong improvement to their facial contours and will permanently enjoy less fat under the chin.

2.     Fast Treatment

Kybella is one of the fastest treatments at our medical spa. The injections take just a few minutes and can be completed during a lunch break or after work. Our extended hours and flexible scheduling allow patients to fit Kybella into their lives without having to miss important events or take too much time off from work.

Patients typically receive 3-6 Kybella treatments, spaced several weeks apart.

3.     Who Has Time for Downtime?

We understand that many of our patients live busy lives. Kybella allows our patients to reshape the area under the chin with significantly less downtime than surgical alternatives. Keys Med Spa specializes in providing our patients with some of the best options for non-surgical rejuvenation, including Kybella, Botox, dermal fillers, and CoolSculpting.

4.     Look Slimmer

A double chin can make a person appear older and heavier than they actually are. By removing this excess fat, Kybella helps patients to look younger and slimmer.

Our patients love the way they look after a Kybella treatment.

5.     Complements Your Other Treatments

Do you love Botox? Are facials your thing? Kybella can be paired with many of our non-surgical cosmetic treatments, everything from injectables to laser treatments. If you’re coming in for a cosmetic treatment, make it a twofer by adding Kybella.

Ready to Try Kybella?

Does Kybella sound like a treatment you need to try? Contact Keys Med Spa by calling (305) 587-9183 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Peterson. Slim that chin and shape your face!